Deep Learning Courses and People

Deep Learning Courses and People

2018, Jan 10    

Few Resources for starting with deep learning, legenedary people in the area and few professors i had the pleasure to work under.

Summary of Deep Learning Papers in Computer Vision

In recent years the many computer vision tasks like classification, segmentation, 3d-perception, pose estimation, sketch generation and others which are considered mark of human intelligence are solved by deep neural nets with competitive accuracies sometimes even better than human performance, but neural nets have their own shortcomings like adversarial perturbations.

So deep learning is a very active area of research, i summarize all the recent papers in this blog posts.

Deep Learning in a nutshell

Deep Learning in a nutshell

Some awesome resources for enthusiasts

CS231N -Stanford groups basic computer vision course

CS 294 Berkeley Deep RL Course

David Silvers RL Course


My current Lab

Video Analytics Lab(VAL),IISc.

Few professors i worked under

R. Venkatesh Babu - (1 Year)

Amit Sethi (1 Year)

S N Omkar (3 Months)

Neelesh B. Mehta (3 Months)

Gaurav Trivedi (3 Months)

Suresh Sundaram (3 Months)

Some well known people in the area

(follow everything they write from arXiv to twitter.)

Andrej karpathy

Geoffrey Hinton

Yann LeCun

Yoshua Bengio

Andrew NG

Ian Goodfellow

Soumith Chintala

Jurgen Schmidhuber

Sanja Fidler

Raquel Urtasun

Andrew Zisserman

Jitendra Malik

Rob Fergus